Book a Sinatra style singer at your venue in New York City, with over 300 songs in our repertoire we are sure to provide you with a night to remember. We are free to travel at a moments notice and work well with hotels that can provide us lodging while we’re there!
Recording Session
On Wednesday June 22, 2019 we recorded 11 songs at Capitol records. This was an impromptu session to lay down some tracks after working extensively with renowned voice coach Lis Lewis whose clientele includes Rihanna, Miguel, Iggy Azalea, and Gwen Stefani to name a few! Our next goal is to rehearse with our studio band before our next session at Capitol Records, which should be a lot of fun and hopefully lead to greater things!
Favorite Record
Sinatra & Edward K
Favorite Song
The Summer Wind
Favorite Quote
“The Best Revenge Is Massive Success” Frank Sinatra